Friday, January 15, 2010


Lately things have been alright. I am kind of glad for the relaxed mood of things. I do want to go back to school because it is my savior when I have nothing else in my life. Hopefully I'll be getting a job soon, I really need one. I think I am going to try to work at a News Station for a bit while I am here in San Diego because broadcasting is broadcasting. If I can't do it with shows, then why not news?

Last night my Best Friend Quinn came over and we had a girls night which included girly beers and whisky. Needless to say we were able to get drunk and have a great time. We watched Anchorman and laughed at everything, even the not so funny parts. Then we sang Karaoke and videotaped it, so it might be on youtube pretty soon. Side note: When you are have drank and you decide to eat something after 6 mixed drinks, make sure it isn't macaroni and broccoli. Even if the box looks good, it will end up in the toilet.

As for other news NBC (Network Broadcasted by CRAPPY people) has announced that they are moving the Jay Leno show after the evening news, thus making the tonight show with CONAN OBRIEN star at 12:05am and the Late Night with Jimmy Fallon at 1:00am. They did this because they realized that by putting an hour talk show during prime time was not going to boost ratings and thus they weren't earning/saving money. I could have told them that. They also think that Conan is too stubborn because he only appeals to the young demographic such as myself and needed to be more universal. Well lets see ummm... he has only been for 8 or 9 months, everyone knows that a show like that needs to find its way. I know that sounds lame and motherly but I think some of you might understand where I am coming from. Conan announced that he won't be doing the tonight show at 12:05am because for the past 60 years the show starts right after the evening news and he doesn't want to ruin the reputation of the tonight show. He also doesn't want to Fuck up Jimmy's time either. He has no offers of airing on another network so who knows what will happen. I just find it fucked up that you give someone the tonight show and promised them this oppurtunity for 6 years(that is when they signed the contract that he was taking over the show) and then be like SIKE. Conan moved along with his staff from the awesome NEW YORK where its okay to have bad air because it makes sense to LA where everyone is all trying to be hippies and vegans and global warming and the bad air is still there? I'd be pissed and I am. Conan doesn't want people to feel sorry for him, but really its not about him its about ME. WTF am I suppose to do now after the news that I don't ever watch? I really like him as a comedian and I went to the show and he was there and he was super tall, like REALLY FUCKING tall and he was all nice and now I am sad. I like Jay Leno but he said he was going to retire and I know that he isn't the one who is pushing it, it is the network people but COME ON! REALLY? you think you have bad ratings now? Just wait, everyone will boycott the station and then you will go bankrupt and die. Okay too extreme and overly optomistic in a sense. But ya that is my rant on a favorite new show of mine that is like 80% certain to be ending in two weeks. He also put his studio up on craigslist and it says "For Sale, Barely USED". Okay so I am done with my rant now I guess. Tune in next time where I go off about the banks and the 100,000 bonuses they give to themselves.

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