Sunday, December 6, 2009


Do you ever feel that you just want to grab a bag, put some clothes in it and just leave? Lately, I have felt that way. I ask myself that everyday. Unfortunately, due to financial difficulties and not so reliable transportation I am unable to embark upon such an adventure. I am so tired of my day to day routine life. I have become bored and apathetic to just about everything. I have a job that pays me 30 a week and claims that I am part time. BULLSHIT!! I would make more off of unemployment. Not to mention the staff that runs the business has an IQ combination of something that has no IQ, but I am too tired to think of what that might be so you can fill in the blank. I am not a depressed person, just a very bored and poor college student who needs something exciting in her life before she becomes detached of everything around her.

1 comment:

  1. Fight the man, Desiree!
    They can't treat us like shit, pay us nothing and expect us not to care, OKAY?!
