Thursday, December 24, 2009

My list

Due to recent events that had occured about 20 minutes ago, I feel intitled to have a list of things that should be FUCKED. Not in the actual sense of fucking but more of this is "BULLSHIT" type of meaning. Here is my list

1. The Holidays
2. Stupid People (not the people who are really mentally challenged but those people who we think should be mentally challeneged because they are dumbasses).
5.East County
6.8.00/hr jobs
7.The school and education system
8.being 20

Anyways, I hope you all have happy holidays.

Monday, December 21, 2009


Well what is there to say? I finished this semester and hopefully last semester at Grossmont with a 3.0. I guess I could have done better but I was not in the mood I guess. I hope next semester wherever that may be, will be better. It is almost Christmas and I just finished shopping for the only person I could afford for this season. Oh, the benefit of being a poor, overworked and underpaid college student!!! Can’t say I’ll miss that when I have a real job. But anyways, I haven’t really had the feel of this holiday season. Haven’t seen the lights or gone ice skating. I suppose there is next year to enjoy those things.

Since I have six weeks or so off of school, I have decided to take this time to really get into the film making experience. I have been lagging big time. I have to finish my screen play so I can send it to the various film festivals across the country. I need to start my freelance work on doing small informative videos for a few small businesses and I need to film for the sake of filming. San Diego is interesting right? I can find things that would be interesting to film, Other than that I need to hit up the gym and swim everyday. I am tempted to go today but it is sooooo cold outside. Maybe just a walk then.

I really want this break to be the best ever! I haven’t had a break from school in about a year and half. I am always taking summer school or intersession. I want this break to be both helpful and fun. I want something to take my mind off the stress of growing up, I guess that is how I would put that. I want to appreciate the now instead of the later. Well, I guess that is it for now. I’ll leave you all with an amazing song

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I hate the internet but this is so cute and makes me be okay with becoming old

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Do you ever feel that you just want to grab a bag, put some clothes in it and just leave? Lately, I have felt that way. I ask myself that everyday. Unfortunately, due to financial difficulties and not so reliable transportation I am unable to embark upon such an adventure. I am so tired of my day to day routine life. I have become bored and apathetic to just about everything. I have a job that pays me 30 a week and claims that I am part time. BULLSHIT!! I would make more off of unemployment. Not to mention the staff that runs the business has an IQ combination of something that has no IQ, but I am too tired to think of what that might be so you can fill in the blank. I am not a depressed person, just a very bored and poor college student who needs something exciting in her life before she becomes detached of everything around her.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Good and Bad

This years Thanksgiving turned out to be different than I had anticipated. Usually I am not the one for the holidays. I tend to dislike them a lot actually. I am not a fan of Christmas and Thanksgiving seemed to me like a holiday for you to just sit around eat too much then have to go to the gym the next day to burn off those extra calories you intake. But I found out that Thanksgiving has more meaning. Granted I know that it was the time when the pilgrims landed on Plymouth and met with the Native Americans one day and shared food. Poor, Native Americans, trusted us a bit too much and look where that left them. No land and the land they have now they put Casinos on them to get all our money… Oh how life works.
But anyways back to my initial point, Thanksgiving, I learned was about family and friends joined together around A LOT of food and to my excitement we all seemed to enjoy each other. I think I need to give thanksgiving more credit. Oh and not to mention the wonderful Pumpkin Pie that I had never tasted until this year. It was GOOD.
With that being said, I feel like I should talk about the infamous “Black Friday”. I learn now that I will never work in retail again. Not that it was hard to do my job; I just forgot how much I hate people. I don’t really hate ALL people, but these early shoppers who like to get all the deals I do hate. I had an area assigned to me to keep clean, it was the girl’s junior dept and every time I would pick something up and fold it all nice and neat not two minutes later would it be back on the floor. The people watched me to! They saw me put it back, they would grab it, decide not to get it, look at me and smirk and throw it on the ground. I wanted to kill these women. I mean who the fuck do they think they are!?! Oh well, I am in search for a new job anyways. That is it for now.